Help us to make a better world

Why Larix and why Tree Nation?

The name Larix comes from the Larch plant, scientific name Larix Decidua. This is because it is a characteristic plant of the high mountains, an area we love, and is delicate but at the same time super resistant. It is the last plant to succumb to the elements and is the first to be reborn after a landslide.
So, what better initiative than planting trees for those who, like us, have the name of a tree as their business name?
We decided to use Tree Nation as the provider of this service.

Tree Nationis more than a reforestation platform. It serves as a chance to promote sustainable development and improve the lives of communities worldwide. Apart from planting trees Tree Nation is dedicated to supporting farmers and rural communities by giving them a sustainable source of income through the sale of the fruits from the trees they plant. Additionally the platform ensures transparency and traceability allowing users to track their trees progress over time and witness firsthand the positive impact it has on both people and the environment.

Larix's proposal

Larix, a company dedicated to delivering top notch services has come up with a proposal to involve its clients in reforestation efforts while also supporting local communities. With every quote sent, Larix adds an optional extra item called 'Plant a tree.' If clients choose this option and donate an amount towards this cause Larix commits to doing the same by planting one tree for every tree planted by its clients.

Small action big impact

This initiative doesn't just give clients the opportunity to contribute actively to the fight against climate change and environmental conservation but it also enhances their involvement with this cause. Apart from receiving services clients now have the chance to be part of a significant social and environmental effort showcasing their genuine commitment to sustainability and community support. Through collaboration this proposal strengthens the bond between stakeholders by fostering a shared dedication to creating a better world. Small actions can collectively bring about positive change perfectly aligned with Larixs values and environmental principles.